I'm still adding information onto the website, adding awards and achievements by the actors was long process of typing the list of awards. i decided to only put important awards and add an external link full a full list to an IMDb page.
I have decided to switch from poetry to website design. I had little inspiration to begin a poem. I  also had  an idea that i wanted to build on in the medium of website. After hearing other website theme, i realised the field was open for any topic. So, i created this weebly page, about sit-coms or situation comedy. That is why i have used the URL known as situationcomedy.weebly.com for my major work.
I have received the Major Work and narrowed down what choices i want to do; Poem or Website Design. I thoroughly enjoy writing poems. Although I would like to explore creation of a website as i think it would be more flexible and easier to present information.